Tag Archives: great

Joy of Writing

Its funny how I feel like there are a million things that I could talk about right now, but I am stuck in that awkward phase where I dont know what my first post should be made of, or what it should be about. Any idea that comes to my mind (discussing motorcycles, or school projects, or interviews, or human feelings) all seem to pushy as to the direction to which this blog should be taken. Perhaps the best thing to post right now should be that I am relieved in a way to have started this.

In a sort of way writing has always been an outlet for me. I didn’t realize it until I was about thirteen it was a very interesting time in a kids life moving from middle school to high school a transition that seems very daunting and emotional at the same time. But it was also a time where the emotionally stressed (over dramatic teenager in me) needed an outlet of some sort. At the time I started writing rhymes (eventually became a hiphop head in high school, but thats another story and one of many phases I grew out of). I picked up a composition notebook and begun to write, as the words began to flow and I began to fill up the first page I realized that there was a betterment that came with writing. It wasn’t like I was writing a Shakespearean sonnet, it was probably some trashy spin off of a rap battle playing in my head, but still it was something creative enough that I decided to put on paper.

I took creative writing and some honors courses in high school to try to expand my skill set and it helped for the most part. But what I noticed most is that I was driven to write whenever I had extremes in emotion (excited for the summer to come, worried about an exam, angry over a fight) simple high school stuff that eventually developed into more complex college stuff and finally the catalyst for this blog my transition into the real world.

Im about to start my last semester of college while working as an engineer part time and the realities of starting a real life are beginning to show up and has pushed me to start writing again. Maybe its the end of the semester stress, on top of relationship jumbles, work, and trying to go the gym as much as possible that has forced my hand into this creative melting pot we call the interwebs, but at any rate, I’m liking it.

Creativity is a powerful stream of thought that is a burden to waste by not recording it in some way. I suppose that is why the internet, social networking, and the need to share has become so mainstream and a part of our day to day lives. Its a blessing and a curse as the value of what you publicize had the ability to either benefit you spiritually or cripple you to the point where your remarks are pooled into the jumble of bathroom usage updates that make up the majority of twitter feeds and facebook walls (toyolet tweets lol).

To whomever read this I hope you enjoyed my first real post, I hope you comment or share it, or just enjoy it enough to experiment with writing or starting something new.

As the night hours cycle slow, I try to observe the wisdom as I go.


…How I feel getting back into the writing swing of things :)

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